Prawn or shrimp, known as 새우 (sae-u) in Korean, is a popular seafood ingredient in Korean cuisine, used in a variety of dishes, from stews to stir-fries. Whether you’re dining out or cooking at home, knowing how to talk about 새우 in Korean will enhance your understanding of Korean food.
Introduction to 새우
The word 새우 (pronounced "sae-u") refers to prawn or shrimp in Korean. It’s a key ingredient in many Korean dishes such as 새우볶음밥 (sae-u bokkeum-bap, shrimp fried rice), 새우튀김 (sae-u twi-gim, fried shrimp), and 새우젓 (sae-u-jeot, salted fermented shrimp), which is often used in kimchi-making.
Here are some useful expressions using 새우 in Korean:
More Expressions (in Korean with English translation)
새우 한 접시 주세요
(sae-u han jeop-shi ju-se-yo)
Please give me a plate of shrimp.새우튀김이 맛있어요
(sae-u twi-gim-i ma-shi-sseo-yo)
The fried shrimp is delicious.새우를 볶아서 먹어요
(sae-u-reul bok-a-seo meo-geo-yo)
I stir-fry and eat the shrimp.새우를 넣어 국을 만들어요
(sae-u-reul neo-eo guk-eul man-deul-eo-yo)
I make soup with shrimp.새우젓은 김치에 넣어요
(sae-u-jeot-eun kim-chi-e neo-eo-yo)
I add salted shrimp to the kimchi.이 새우는 신선해요
(i sae-u-neun shin-seon-hae-yo)
This shrimp is fresh.
By learning these expressions, you’ll be able to discuss 새우 in various contexts, whether you're cooking at home or enjoying seafood at a restaurant. Shrimp and prawns are popular ingredients in Korean cuisine, and now you can confidently talk about them in Korean!