The word for "police" in Korean is:
경찰 (Gyeong-chahl)
- 경찰 (Gyeong-chahl) – Police
This word is essential for various situations, whether you're asking for help, reporting something, or inquiring about a nearby police station.
More expressions in Korean with English translation
경찰서 어디에 있어요? (Gyeong-chal-seo eo-di-e it-seo-yo?)
- Where is the police station?
경찰을 불러 주세요. (Gyeong-chal-eul bul-leo ju-se-yo.)
- Please call the police.
도와주세요, 경찰이 필요해요. (Do-wa-ju-se-yo, gyeong-chal-i pil-yo-hae-yo.)
- Help me, I need the police.
경찰 신고하려면 어떻게 해야 해요? (Gyeong-chal shin-go-ha-ryeo-myeon eo-tteo-ke hae-ya hae-yo?)
- How do I report to the police?
경찰에게 신고했어요. (Gyeong-chal-e-ge shin-go-haet-seo-yo.)
- I reported it to the police.
These expressions will help you handle situations involving the police or finding the nearest police station in Korea, ensuring you can seek help when needed.