영화관 movie theater

 The word for "movie theater" in Korean is:

영화관 (Yeong-hwa-gwan)

  • 영화 (Yeong-hwa) – Movie/Film
  • 관 (Gwan) – Theater/Hall

Knowing how to say 영화관 can be handy when you want to ask about or visit a movie theater while in Korea. Whether you're a movie lover or just looking for something to do, this word is essential for finding your way to the cinema!

More expressions in Korean with English translation

  1. 영화관 어디에 있어요? (Yeong-hwa-gwan eo-di-e it-seo-yo?)

    • Where is the movie theater?
  2. 무슨 영화가 상영 중이에요? (Mu-seun yeong-hwa-ga sang-yeong jung-i-e-yo?)

    • What movies are currently showing?
  3. 표 얼마예요? (Pyo eol-ma-ye-yo?)

    • How much is the ticket?
  4. 오늘 영화 몇 시에 시작해요? (O-neul yeong-hwa myut shi-e shi-jak-hae-yo?)

    • What time does the movie start today?
  5. 좌석을 선택할 수 있나요? (Jwa-seok-eul seon-taek-hal su it-na-yo?)

    • Can I choose my seat?

These phrases will help you navigate conversations related to movie theaters in Korea, whether you're asking for directions, buying tickets, or planning your movie experience!

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