신발장 (Sin-bal-jang) - "Shoe Cupboard" or "Shoe Rack"
The Korean word for "shoe cupboard" or "shoe rack" is 신발장 (sin-bal-jang). It refers to the storage space or cabinet specifically used for organizing shoes, commonly found near the entrance of homes.
- 신발 (sin-bal) – shoes
- 장 (jang) – cupboard, cabinet, or closet
Together, 신발장 means "shoe cabinet" or "shoe rack."
- 신발장 is pronounced as "sin-bal-jang," with a soft 's' sound at the beginning and a clear 'j' sound at the end.
More Expressions in Korean:
신발장에 신발을 넣으세요.
(Sin-bal-jang-e sin-bal-eul neo-eu-se-yo)- Please put your shoes in the shoe cupboard.
신발장이 꽉 찼어요.
(Sin-bal-jang-i kkwak chat-seo-yo)- The shoe cupboard is full.
신발장을 정리했어요.
(Sin-bal-jang-eul jeong-ri-haess-eo-yo)- I organized the shoe cupboard.
새 신발장을 샀어요.
(Sae sin-bal-jang-eul sat-seo-yo)- I bought a new shoe cupboard.
신발장을 어디에 두면 좋을까요?
(Sin-bal-jang-eul eo-di-e du-myeon jo-ul-kka-yo?)- Where should we place the shoe cupboard?
These phrases will help you talk about 신발장 when organizing or discussing storage space for shoes in Korean homes!