인터폰 (In-teo-pon) - "Intercom"
The Korean word for "intercom" is 인터폰 (in-teo-pon), a direct borrowing from the English word "intercom." It refers to the communication device commonly used in apartments, offices, or buildings to speak with someone at the entrance or within the building.
- 인터폰 (in-teo-pon) – intercom
- 인터폰 is pronounced as "in-teo-pon," similar to the English pronunciation.
More Expressions in Korean:
인터폰으로 얘기하세요.
(In-teo-pon-eu-ro yae-gi-ha-se-yo)- Please talk through the intercom.
인터폰이 고장났어요.
(In-teo-pon-i go-jang-nat-seo-yo)- The intercom is broken.
인터폰을 눌러서 문을 열어 주세요.
(In-teo-pon-eul nul-leo-seo mun-eul yeo-reo ju-se-yo)- Press the intercom and open the door, please.
인터폰으로 확인해 보세요.
(In-teo-pon-eu-ro hwak-in-hae bo-se-yo)- Check through the intercom.
인터폰 소리가 안 들려요.
(In-teo-pon so-ri-ga an deul-lyeo-yo)- I can’t hear the intercom.
These expressions will help you use or talk about 인터폰, especially when communicating through an intercom system in buildings or apartments!