저지방 (Jeo-ji-bang) - "Low-Fat"
The Korean term for "low-fat" is 저지방 (jeo-ji-bang). It is used to describe food items or products that contain reduced amounts of fat.
- 저 (jeo) – low or reduced
- 지방 (ji-bang) – fat
Together, 저지방 means "low-fat."
- 저지방 is pronounced as "jeo-ji-bang," with a soft 'j' sound at the start.
More Expressions in Korean:
저지방 우유를 마셔요.
(Jeo-ji-bang u-yu-reul ma-syeo-yo)- I drink low-fat milk.
이거 저지방 제품이에요?
(I-geo jeo-ji-bang je-pum-i-e-yo?)- Is this a low-fat product?
저지방 음식을 찾고 있어요.
(Jeo-ji-bang eum-sik-eul chat-go i-sseo-yo)- I’m looking for low-fat food.
저지방 다이어트가 좋아요.
(Jeo-ji-bang da-i-eo-teu-ga jo-a-yo)- A low-fat diet is good.
저지방 요거트를 추천해요.
(Jeo-ji-bang yo-geo-teu-reul chu-cheon-hae-yo)- I recommend low-fat yogurt.
These phrases will help you talk about 저지방 options when shopping for food or discussing dietary preferences!