과자 (Gwa-ja) - "Biscuits" or "Snacks"
The Korean word for "biscuits" or "snacks" is 과자 (gwa-ja). This term refers to various snack foods, including biscuits, crackers, and chips.
- 과자 (gwa-ja) – biscuits or snacks
- 과자 is pronounced as "gwa-ja," with a soft 'g' sound at the beginning.
More Expressions in Korean:
과자를 먹고 싶어요.
(Gwa-ja-reul meok-go sip-eo-yo)- I want to eat some biscuits.
어떤 과자를 좋아해요?
(Eo-tteon gwa-ja-reul jo-a-hae-yo?)- What kind of biscuits do you like?
과자를 사러 슈퍼마켓에 가요.
(Gwa-ja-reul sa-reo syu-peo-ma-ket-e ga-yo)- I’m going to the supermarket to buy some snacks.
이 과자는 너무 달아요.
(I gwa-ja-neun neo-mu dal-a-yo)- These biscuits are too sweet.
과자를 많이 먹지 마세요.
(Gwa-ja-reul man-i meok-ji ma-se-yo)- Don’t eat too many biscuits.
These phrases will help you talk about 과자, whether you're buying, eating, or discussing snack preferences!