승무원 Cabin Crew

 승무원 - "Cabin Crew" or "Flight Attendant"

In Korean, the word for "cabin crew" or "flight attendant" is 승무원 (seung-mu-won). This term is commonly used to refer to the staff who assist passengers on planes, trains, or ships.

  • 승 (seung) – riding or boarding
  • 무원 (mu-won) – crew or staff member

Together, 승무원 means "crew member who helps passengers."


  • 승무원 is pronounced as "seung-mu-won," with a soft 'ng' sound at the end of and a smooth transition between the syllables.

More Expressions in Korean:

  1. 승무원에게 물어보세요.
    (Seung-mu-won-e-ge mu-reo-bo-se-yo)

    • Please ask the cabin crew.
  2. 승무원이 아주 친절했어요.
    (Seung-mu-won-i a-ju chin-jeol-haess-eo-yo)

    • The cabin crew was very kind.
  3. 승무원 자리가 어디예요?
    (Seung-mu-won ja-ri-ga eo-di-ye-yo?)

    • Where is the cabin crew seat?
  4. 승무원으로 일하고 싶어요.
    (Seung-mu-won-eu-ro il-ha-go sip-eo-yo)

    • I want to work as a flight attendant.
  5. 승무원이 도와줄 거예요.
    (Seung-mu-won-i do-wa-jul geo-ye-yo)

    • The cabin crew will help you.

These expressions will help you interact with 승무원 or discuss their role when traveling by plane or other forms of transport!

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