도착 (Do-chak) - "Arrivals"
도착 means "arrival" in Korean, used when referring to flights, trains, or any other form of transportation reaching its destination.
출발 (Chul-bal) - "Departures"
출발 means "departure" in Korean, used when talking about leaving for a destination, whether it's a flight, train, or bus.
- 도착 is pronounced as "do-chak."
- 출발 is pronounced as "chul-bal."
More Expressions in Korean:
Arrivals (도착):
비행기 도착 시간이 언제예요?
(Bi-haeng-gi do-chak si-gan-i eon-je-ye-yo?)- When is the flight arrival time?
기차가 도착했어요.
(Gi-cha-ga do-chak-haess-eo-yo)- The train has arrived.
도착하면 전화할게요.
(Do-chak-ha-myeon jeon-hwa-hal-ge-yo)- I will call when I arrive.
Departures (출발):
출발 시간이 언제예요?
(Chul-bal si-gan-i eon-je-ye-yo?)- What time is the departure?
비행기가 곧 출발해요.
(Bi-haeng-gi-ga got chul-bal-hae-yo)- The plane is departing soon.
출발 준비가 다 됐어요.
(Chul-bal jun-bi-ga da dwaess-eo-yo)- Everything is ready for departure.
By using 도착 and 출발, you’ll be able to easily talk about arrivals and departures in various travel situations!