신발 (shin-bal) refers to shoes or footwear in Korean. Whether you're shopping for shoes, discussing fashion, or talking about comfort, knowing how to talk about 신발 in Korean is useful for everyday life.
Introduction to 신발
The word 신발 (pronounced "shin-bal") means shoes in Korean and covers a wide range of footwear types, including 운동화 (sneakers), 구두 (dress shoes), 샌들 (sandals), and 부츠 (boots). You’ll often find these in 신발 가게 (shoe stores) or 백화점 (department stores).
Here are some useful expressions using 신발 in Korean:
More Expressions (in Korean with English translation)
신발 한 켤레 주세요
(shin-bal han kyeol-le ju-se-yo)
Please give me one pair of shoes.신발을 어디에서 살 수 있어요?
(shin-bal-eul eo-di-e-seo sal su i-sseo-yo?)
Where can I buy shoes?이 신발은 정말 편해요
(i shin-bal-eun jeong-mal pyeon-hae-yo)
These shoes are really comfortable.신발을 신어 봐도 돼요?
(shin-bal-eul shin-eo bwa-do dwae-yo?)
Can I try on these shoes?신발 사이즈가 맞지 않아요
(shin-bal sa-i-jeu-ga mat-ji an-a-yo)
The shoe size doesn’t fit.신발이 망가졌어요
(shin-bal-i mang-ga-jyeot-seo-yo)
The shoes are damaged.
These expressions will help you talk about 신발 in different situations, whether you're shopping, trying on shoes, or discussing comfort. Knowing how to talk about shoes in Korean will make buying and wearing footwear much easier!