약국 pharmacy


 약국 (yak-guk) refers to a pharmacy in Korean, a place where you can buy medicine, health products, and other essentials. Whether you need to ask for medicine or locate a pharmacy, knowing how to talk about 약국 in Korean is important for daily life and travel.

Introduction to 약국

The word 약국 (pronounced "yak-guk") means pharmacy in Korean. Pharmacies in Korea provide both over-the-counter and prescription medicines. You’ll often visit an 약국 for common items like 감기약 (cold medicine) or 진통제 (painkillers), and the pharmacist can also offer advice on minor health issues.

Here are some useful expressions using 약국 in Korean:

More Expressions (in Korean with English translation)

  1. 약국 어디에 있어요?
    (yak-guk eo-di-e i-sseo-yo?)
    Where is the pharmacy?

  2. 감기약을 사고 싶어요
    (gam-gi-yak-eul sa-go si-peo-yo)
    I want to buy cold medicine.

  3. 약국은 몇 시에 닫아요?
    (yak-guk-eun myeot shi-e da-da-yo?)
    What time does the pharmacy close?

  4. 이 약은 약국에서만 팔아요
    (i yak-eun yak-guk-e-seo-man pal-a-yo)
    This medicine is only sold at the pharmacy.

  5. 처방전이 필요해요?
    (cheo-bang-jeon-i pi-ryo-hae-yo?)
    Do I need a prescription?

  6. 진통제를 주세요
    (jin-tong-je-reul ju-se-yo)
    Please give me a painkiller.

These expressions will help you navigate conversations at the 약국, whether you're looking for medicine, asking for directions, or buying health products. Knowing how to talk about pharmacies and medication in Korean is essential for daily life, especially when you're in need of medical assistance!

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