응. yes (to friends or someone younger than you)


"응" (eung)

Meaning: Yes. (Informal, used with friends or someone younger)


"응" is the informal way to say "Yes" in Korean, commonly used between friends, close peers, or when speaking to someone younger than you. It’s a casual and friendly response, perfect for everyday conversations among people you're comfortable with.

More Expressions in Korean

  1. (eo)
    Yeah. (Very informal, casual "yes")

  2. 그래 (geu-rae)
    Sure. / Okay. (Casual agreement)

  3. 응, 맞아 (eung, maj-a)
    Yes, that’s right.

  4. 응, 좋아 (eung, jo-a)
    Yes, I like it.

  5. 응, 알겠어 (eung, al-get-seo)
    Yes, I understand. (Casual)

These expressions are great for casual conversations with friends or younger people. "응" is perfect for informal settings where formality isn’t necessary. Use these variations to sound more natural in friendly chats!

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