너무 비싸요. Too expensive.


"너무 비싸요" (neo-mu bi-ssa-yo)

Meaning: Too expensive.


"너무 비싸요" is a polite way to express that something is "too expensive" in Korean. It’s commonly used when shopping or negotiating prices, and it's a useful phrase to know when you want to express concern about the cost without sounding impolite.

More Expressions in Korean

  1. 가격이 너무 높아요 (ga-gyeok-i neo-mu nop-a-yo)
    The price is too high.

  2. 조금 더 싸게 해 주세요 (jo-geum deo ssa-ge hae ju-se-yo)
    Can you make it a bit cheaper, please?

  3. 할인 가능해요? (hal-in ga-neung-hae-yo)
    Is a discount possible?

  4. 생각보다 비싸요 (saeng-gak-bo-da bi-ssa-yo)
    It’s more expensive than I thought.

  5. 이 가격은 너무 부담돼요 (i ga-gyeok-eun neo-mu bu-dam-dwae-yo)
    This price is too much for me.

These phrases can help you express your concern about prices while shopping or negotiating. Whether you need to ask for a discount or simply state that something is too expensive, these expressions will be helpful!

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