일어나다 to wake up


일어나다 (Il-eo-na-da) - "To Wake Up" or "To Get Up"

The Korean verb 일어나다 (il-eo-na-da) means "to wake up" or "to get up." It can be used for waking up from sleep or physically standing up from a seated or lying position.

  • 일어나다 (il-eo-na-da) – to wake up / to get up


  • 일어나다 is pronounced as "il-eo-na-da," with a clear 'l' sound at the beginning and a soft 'n' sound in the middle.

More Expressions in Korean:

  1. 몇 시에 일어났어요?
    (Myeot si-e il-eo-nat-seo-yo?)

    • What time did you wake up?
  2. 일찍 일어나세요.
    (Il-jjik il-eo-na-se-yo)

    • Please wake up early.
  3. 저는 아침 7시에 일어나요.
    (Jeo-neun a-chim il-gop si-e il-eo-na-yo)

    • I wake up at 7 a.m.
  4. 일어나기 힘들어요.
    (Il-eo-na-gi him-deul-eo-yo)

    • It’s hard to wake up.
  5. 일어나서 뭐 할 거예요?
    (Il-eo-na-seo mwo hal geo-ye-yo?)

    • What will you do after waking up?

These phrases will help you talk about 일어나다, whether you're describing your wake-up time or encouraging someone to get up!

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