화장실에 가다 to go to the toilet


화장실에 가다 (Hwa-jang-sil-e ga-da) - "To Go to the Toilet"

The Korean phrase 화장실에 가다 (hwa-jang-sil-e ga-da) means "to go to the toilet." It’s commonly used in everyday situations when referring to using the bathroom.

  • 화장실 (hwa-jang-sil) – toilet or bathroom
  • 에 가다 (e ga-da) – to go to

Together, 화장실에 가다 means "to go to the toilet."


  • 화장실에 가다 is pronounced as "hwa-jang-sil-e ga-da," with a soft 'h' sound at the start and clear separation between syllables.

More Expressions in Korean:

  1. 저는 화장실에 가야 해요.
    (Jeo-neun hwa-jang-sil-e ga-ya hae-yo)

    • I need to go to the toilet.
  2. 화장실은 어디에 있어요?
    (Hwa-jang-sil-eun eo-di-e i-sseo-yo?)

    • Where is the toilet?
  3. 화장실에 갔다 올게요.
    (Hwa-jang-sil-e gat-da ol-ge-yo)

    • I’ll be back after going to the toilet.
  4. 화장실이 급해요.
    (Hwa-jang-sil-i geup-hae-yo)

    • I need to use the toilet urgently.
  5. 화장실에 가도 돼요?
    (Hwa-jang-sil-e ga-do dwae-yo?)

    • May I go to the toilet?

These phrases will help you talk about 화장실에 가다 in various contexts, whether you're asking for the location or informing someone of your need!

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