In Korean, the word for "ticket office" or "ticket booth" is 매표소 (mae-pyo-so). This term is commonly used in places like train stations, metro stations, movie theaters, and other venues where tickets are sold.
- 매표 (mae-pyo) – selling tickets
- 소 (so) – office or booth
So, 매표소 literally means "ticket selling place."
- 매표소 is pronounced as "mae-pyo-so," with a soft 'p' sound in 표.
More Expressions in Korean:
매표소는 어디에 있어요?
(Mae-pyo-so-neun eo-di-e i-sseo-yo?)- Where is the ticket office?
지하철 매표소에서 표를 샀어요.
(Ji-ha-cheol mae-pyo-so-e-seo pyo-reul sat-seo-yo)- I bought a ticket at the subway ticket office.
매표소가 닫혀 있어요.
(Mae-pyo-so-ga dat-hyeo i-sseo-yo)- The ticket office is closed.
매표소 앞에서 기다리세요.
(Mae-pyo-so ap-e-seo gi-da-ri-se-yo)- Please wait in front of the ticket office.
매표소에서 교통카드를 충전할 수 있어요.
(Mae-pyo-so-e-seo gyo-tong ka-deu-reul chung-jeon-hal su i-sseo-yo)- You can recharge your transportation card at the ticket office.
By learning these phrases, you’ll be able to easily ask for directions or buy tickets at the 매표소 when traveling around Korea!