지금 좀 바빠요. Now I’m a little busy.


"지금 좀 바빠요" (ji-geum jom ba-ppa-yo)

Meaning: Now I’m a little busy.


"지금 좀 바빠요" is a polite way to say "Now I’m a little busy" in Korean. This phrase is useful when you need to excuse yourself from a conversation or activity because you're occupied. It's polite and appropriate for both casual and formal situations.

More Expressions in Korean

  1. 지금은 시간이 없어요 (ji-geum-eun si-gan-i eop-seo-yo)
    I don’t have time right now.

  2. 지금 할 일이 많아요 (ji-geum hal il-i man-a-yo)
    I have a lot of work to do right now.

  3. 지금 바빠서 나중에 얘기할게요 (ji-geum ba-ppa-seo na-jung-e yae-gi-hal-ge-yo)
    I’m busy now, I’ll talk to you later.

  4. 미안하지만 지금 좀 바빠요 (mi-an-ha-ji-man ji-geum jom ba-ppa-yo)
    Sorry, but I’m a bit busy right now.

  5. 지금은 바빠서 도와줄 수 없어요 (ji-geum-eun ba-ppa-seo do-wa-jul su eop-seo-yo)
    I’m busy now, so I can’t help.

These phrases will help you politely express that you're busy and can't engage at the moment. Use them in both casual and professional settings to excuse yourself when necessary!

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