The Korean word for "metro" or "subway" is 지하철 (ji-ha-cheol). It's a combination of two words:
- 지하 (ji-ha) – underground
- 철 (cheol) – railway or train
So, 지하철 literally means “underground railway,” which is how Koreans refer to the subway or metro system.
- 지하철 is pronounced as "jee-ha-chol," with a soft "ch" sound at the start of the last syllable.
More Expressions in Korean:
지하철 타러 가요.
(Ji-ha-cheol ta-reo ga-yo)- I’m going to take the subway.
지하철역 어디에 있어요?
(Ji-ha-cheol-yeok eo-di-e i-sseo-yo?)- Where is the subway station?
지하철 몇 호선을 타야 해요?
(Ji-ha-cheol myeot ho-seon-eul ta-ya hae-yo?)- Which subway line should I take?
지하철은 빠르고 편리해요.
(Ji-ha-cheol-eun bba-reu-go pyeon-li-hae-yo)- The subway is fast and convenient.
지하철 노선도 주세요.
(Ji-ha-cheol no-seon-do ju-se-yo)- Please give me a subway map.
Knowing these phrases will help you navigate Korea's efficient and widespread 지하철 system like a local!