시장 market


시장 (Si-jang) - "Market"

The Korean word for "market" is 시장 (si-jang). It refers to a place where vendors sell various goods, from food and produce to clothing and household items, often in open-air settings.

  • 시장 (si-jang) – market


  • 시장 is pronounced as "si-jang," with a soft 's' sound at the start.

More Expressions in Korean:

  1. 시장에서 신선한 과일을 샀어요.
    (Si-jang-e-seo sin-seon-han gwa-il-eul sat-seo-yo)

    • I bought fresh fruit at the market.
  2. 이 시장은 언제 열어요?
    (I si-jang-eun eon-je yeo-reo-yo?)

    • When does this market open?
  3. 시장에서 뭘 팔아요?
    (Si-jang-e-seo mwol pal-a-yo?)

    • What do they sell at the market?
  4. 시장에 가서 장을 봐요.
    (Si-jang-e ga-seo jang-eul bwa-yo)

    • I’m going to the market to do grocery shopping.
  5. 시장이 집에서 가까워요.
    (Si-jang-i jib-e-seo ga-kka-wo-yo)

    • The market is close to my house.

These phrases will help you talk about 시장, whether you're shopping, asking about its location, or discussing what’s sold there!

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