구명조끼 (Gu-myeong-jok-ki) - "Lifejacket"
The Korean word for "lifejacket" is 구명조끼 (gu-myeong-jok-ki). This term is used for safety vests or life preservers worn during emergencies at sea or on boats.
- 구명 (gu-myeong) – life-saving
- 조끼 (jok-ki) – vest
Together, 구명조끼 means "life-saving vest," or lifejacket.
- 구명조끼 is pronounced as "gu-myeong-jok-ki," with a soft 'g' at the start of 구명 and a clear 'j' sound in 조끼.
More Expressions in Korean:
구명조끼를 입으세요.
(Gu-myeong-jok-ki-reul i-beu-se-yo)- Please put on your lifejacket.
구명조끼가 어디에 있어요?
(Gu-myeong-jok-ki-ga eo-di-e i-sseo-yo?)- Where is the lifejacket?
구명조끼 사용법을 아세요?
(Gu-myeong-jok-ki sa-yong-beop-eul a-se-yo?)- Do you know how to use the lifejacket?
구명조끼를 착용해야 해요.
(Gu-myeong-jok-ki-reul chak-yong-hae-ya hae-yo)- You must wear the lifejacket.
구명조끼는 비상시 필요해요.
(Gu-myeong-jok-ki-neun bi-sang-si pil-yo-hae-yo)- The lifejacket is necessary in emergencies.
These phrases will help you talk about and use a 구명조끼 in situations involving water safety!