빨래바구니 (Ppal-lae-ba-gu-ni) - "Laundry Basket"
The Korean word for "laundry basket" is 빨래바구니 (ppal-lae-ba-gu-ni). This term refers to the basket or container used to hold dirty or clean laundry.
- 빨래 (ppal-lae) – laundry
- 바구니 (ba-gu-ni) – basket
Together, 빨래바구니 means "laundry basket."
- 빨래바구니 is pronounced as "ppal-lae-ba-gu-ni," with a strong 'pp' sound at the beginning of 빨래.
More Expressions in Korean:
빨래바구니에 옷을 넣으세요.
(Ppal-lae-ba-gu-ni-e ot-eul neo-eu-se-yo)- Please put the clothes in the laundry basket.
빨래바구니가 꽉 찼어요.
(Ppal-lae-ba-gu-ni-ga kkwak chat-seo-yo)- The laundry basket is full.
빨래바구니를 어디에 두면 돼요?
(Ppal-lae-ba-gu-ni-reul eo-di-e du-myeon dwae-yo?)- Where should I put the laundry basket?
빨래바구니를 비워야 해요.
(Ppal-lae-ba-gu-ni-reul bi-wo-ya hae-yo)- I need to empty the laundry basket.
새 빨래바구니를 샀어요.
(Sae ppal-lae-ba-gu-ni-reul sat-seo-yo)- I bought a new laundry basket.
These phrases will help you talk about 빨래바구니, whether you're using it for dirty laundry or cleaning up after washing!