화장대 (Hwa-jang-dae) - "Dressing Table"
The Korean word for "dressing table" is 화장대 (hwa-jang-dae). This term refers to the table where makeup, grooming items, and personal care products are stored and used, typically with a mirror.
- 화장 (hwa-jang) – makeup or grooming
- 대 (dae) – table
Together, 화장대 means "dressing table."
- 화장대 is pronounced as "hwa-jang-dae," with a soft 'h' sound at the beginning and a clear 'dae' at the end.
More Expressions in Korean:
화장대에서 화장을 해요.
(Hwa-jang-dae-e-seo hwa-jang-eul hae-yo)- I do my makeup at the dressing table.
화장대가 깨끗해요.
(Hwa-jang-dae-ga kkae-kkeut-hae-yo)- The dressing table is clean.
화장대 위에 거울이 있어요.
(Hwa-jang-dae wi-e geo-ul-i i-sseo-yo)- There’s a mirror on the dressing table.
새 화장대를 사고 싶어요.
(Sae hwa-jang-dae-reul sa-go sip-eo-yo)- I want to buy a new dressing table.
화장대를 정리해 주세요.
(Hwa-jang-dae-reul jeong-ri-hae ju-se-yo)- Please tidy up the dressing table.
These phrases will help you talk about 화장대, whether you're using it to get ready, organizing it, or discussing its features!