구멍가게 (Gu-meong-ga-ge) - "Corner Shop" or "Small Store"
The Korean word for "corner shop" is 구멍가게 (gu-meong-ga-ge). This term refers to a small, often family-owned shop that sells everyday items. It’s similar to a convenience store but usually smaller and more traditional.
- 구멍 (gu-meong) – hole (used metaphorically here to imply a small, simple place)
- 가게 (ga-ge) – store or shop
Together, 구멍가게 means "corner shop" or "small store."
- 구멍가게 is pronounced as "gu-meong-ga-ge," with a soft 'g' sound at the start of 구멍 and 가게.
More Expressions in Korean:
구멍가게에서 음료수를 샀어요.
(Gu-meong-ga-ge-e-seo eum-ryo-su-reul sat-seo-yo)- I bought a drink at the corner shop.
구멍가게가 집 근처에 있어요.
(Gu-meong-ga-ge-ga jib geun-cheo-e i-sseo-yo)- There’s a corner shop near my house.
구멍가게는 몇 시에 문을 닫아요?
(Gu-meong-ga-ge-neun myeot si-e mun-eul da-da-yo?)- What time does the corner shop close?
구멍가게에서 과자를 팔아요.
(Gu-meong-ga-ge-e-seo gwa-ja-reul pal-a-yo)- They sell snacks at the corner shop.
구멍가게는 아주 작아요.
(Gu-meong-ga-ge-neun a-ju jak-a-yo)- The corner shop is very small.
These phrases will help you talk about 구멍가게, whether you're discussing its location, what it sells, or when it opens and closes!