동전 (Dong-jeon) - "Coins"
The Korean word for "coins" is 동전 (dong-jeon). It refers to metal currency used in transactions, often for small amounts.
- 동전 (dong-jeon) – coins
- 동전 is pronounced as "dong-jeon," with a soft 'd' sound at the start and a clear 'j' sound.
More Expressions in Korean:
동전으로 계산할 수 있어요?
(Dong-jeon-eu-ro gye-san-hal su i-sseo-yo?)- Can I pay with coins?
동전을 더 가지고 있어요?
(Dong-jeon-eul deo ga-ji-go i-sseo-yo?)- Do you have more coins?
동전이 부족해요.
(Dong-jeon-i bu-jok-hae-yo)- I don’t have enough coins.
동전을 저금통에 넣었어요.
(Dong-jeon-eul jeo-geum-tong-e neo-eoss-eo-yo)- I put the coins in the piggy bank.
동전이 필요해요.
(Dong-jeon-i pil-yo-hae-yo)- I need some coins.
These phrases will help you talk about 동전, whether you're using them for payments or asking for change!