주소 (Ju-so) - "Address"
In Korean, the word for "address" is 주소 (ju-so). This term is commonly used when referring to someone's home, office, or any other location's physical address.
- 주 (ju) – to reside or live
- 소 (so) – place
Together, 주소 means "residential place" or "address."
- 주소 is pronounced as "ju-so," with a soft 'j' sound at the beginning.
More Expressions in Korean:
주소가 뭐예요?
(Ju-so-ga mwo-ye-yo?)- What is your address?
여기에 주소를 적어 주세요.
(Yeo-gi-e ju-so-reul jeo-geo ju-se-yo)- Please write down the address here.
새 주소로 이사했어요.
(Sae ju-so-ro i-sa-haess-eo-yo)- I moved to a new address.
주소를 잘못 입력했어요.
(Ju-so-reul jal-mot ib-nyeok-haess-eo-yo)- I entered the wrong address.
주소를 확인해 주세요.
(Ju-so-reul hwak-in-hae ju-se-yo)- Please confirm the address.
These phrases will help you talk about or ask for a 주소 when dealing with directions, deliveries, or personal information in Korea!